Save the Redwoods League Grant – Family adventures in the Redwoods, including campout at Humboldt Redwoods State Park, Sequoia Park Zoo, Cal Poly Humboldt, and College of the Redwoods/Humboldt Botanical Gardens
Coast Central Credit Union Grant – Swim lessons for 25 Latinx children and 5 parents at Healthsport in Arcata and Eureka
Ballet Folklorico Infantil de Arcata classes at Arcata Playhouse (15 students) and classes twice a week at Pacific Union School through the Boys & Girls Club After School Program (10 students)
Save the Redwoods League Redwood Connect Grant - Family Adventures in the Redwoods, Countywide English Learner families visited Cal Poly Humboldt, College of the Redwoods and Botanical Gardens, Sequoia Park Zoo, Rohner Park, Humboldt Redwoods State Park, and Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park
Humboldt Sponsors Grant - Sent four Latinx children from Washington Elementary to the Sequoia Park Zoo summer camp for two weeks (additional scholarship donated by the Sequoia Park Zoo)
Northcoast Co-Op Cooperative Community Fund Grant – 10 one-on-one swim lessons for 10 Latinx children at Healthsport in Arcata
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Grant – Bilingual playgroup held in an unserved neighborhood of Northern Arcata
Humboldt Area Foundation Summer Mini Grant – Additional funding for bilingual playgroup, extended to 15 weeks
Wildberries - Spare change donated at the checkout counter from April - June 2023
Continued with Ballet Folklorico Infantil de Arcata classes at Redwood Raks and Arcata Playhouse (8 students) and started classes twice a week at Pacific Union School through their Boys & Girls Club After School Program (10 students)
Reach Your Star Awards distributed to 10 dedicated Latinx students planning to attend UC Berkeley, Sonoma State, Cal Poly Humboldt and College of the Redwoods
Facilitated the distribution of $2000 worth of scholarships to MEChA Club members from Fortuna Union High School
Board Member served on the Eureka City Schools’ Community School Advisory Council
Board Member served on the Planning Committee Core Team for the Festejando Nuestra Comunidad, held on College of the Redwoods campus
Connected 19 students with CovEd tutors
Distributed 26 Chromebooks to Eureka City Schools students
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Grant – Paid for Ballet Folklorico outfits for the dancers
Save the Redwoods League Redwood Connect Grant – Family Adventures in the Redwoods, Hosted English Learner families from Pacific Union, Alice Birney, Loleta Elementary, and Linell Walker Elementary on field trips to Humboldt State University, College of the Redwoods, and Humboldt Botanical Gardens, Sequoia Park and Zoo, Headwaters Forest Reserve, and Grizzly Creek State Park
Arcata Foundation Grant – Informal Playgroup for 0-5 year old Latinx children in Valley West, Arcata
Continued with Ballet Folklorico Infantil de Arcata at the Arcata Playhouse
Distributed 13 $500 Reach Your Star Awards to deserving local Latinx students attending College of the Redwoods, Humboldt State University, Sacramento State University, and UC Davis
Facilitated Scholarship Distribution of $2000 worth of scholarships to MEChA Club members from Fortuna Union High School
Connected 20 students with CovEd tutors
Distributed 30 Chromebooks to Latinx families in Fortuna, Loleta, Eureka, and Arcata (donated by the Humboldt Area Foundation)
Distributed seven $500 Reach Your Star Awards to local Latinx students attending UC Berkeley, College of the Redwoods, and Cal Poly Humboldt
Gave scholarships to 7 Latinx youngsters to attend the City of Arcata’s Marsh Camp for one week
Worked with an Humboldt State University intern who looked into English Learner Advisory Committees at schools across the County
Collaborated with the Save the Redwoods League in the design and execution of their Summer in the Redwoods events in Arcata and Fortuna
Recruited 6 students for the HSU TRIO Program
In collaboration with Pacific Union’s District English Learner Advisory Council, sponsored the Ballet Folklorico Infantil de Arcata dance group, 6 children participated
Worked with Humboldt State University students from a Senior Practicum class to strategize the creation of a Family/Community Resource Center in Valley West, Arcata
Connected 25 students with CovEd tutors
Conducted an online College Information session in Spanish
Acquired $20,000 from the Humboldt Area Foundation to develop a Tutores program that connected 35 HSU Latinx tutors with 11 Pacific Union School students for 14 weeks, mostly over the summer
Used the CovEd website to connect 31 students with tutors from across the country
Established Cumbre Humboldt as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
Helped plan Convivio event for Humboldt students with Humboldt State University's, El Centro